Red Roses Centerpiece
Red Roses Centerpiece
Transform your space with timeless elegance using our exquisite Red Roses Centerpiece. Perfect for adding sophistication and romance to any occasion, this centerpiece is meticulously crafted to captivate and inspire. Each realistic fake rose is hand-selected for its luxurious beauty and arranged in a long wooden vase filled with artificial greenery. Whether adorning a dining table, enhancing a wedding reception, or serving as a focal point in a luxurious event, our Red Roses Centerpiece promises to leave a lasting impression. Crafted from high-quality materials, this centerpiece not only enhances your decor but also ensures durability and realism. Embrace the allure of classic red roses and elevate your space with a touch of timeless beauty.
SIZE: arrangement is approximately 16" long (with overlapping leaves), 7.5" tall and 7” wide. Also available is size of 12", 14", 18".
CUSTOMIZATION options available upon request. Please email your inquiry.
For more ideas of Easter arrangements and centerpieces go to Spring and Easter Decor.