White Roses Arrangement
White Roses Arrangement
Transform your space with our exquisite White Roses Arrangement in a whitewashed wooden vase, blending high-quality craftsmanship with elegant farmhouse style. This stunning centerpiece features meticulously selected high quality, realistic looking fake white roses arranged in a charming wooden vase, creating a unique and captivating fusion of natural beauty and rustic charm. Perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to any room, from living spaces to dining areas, during Spring, Summer or all year round, this arrangement complements modern farmhouse decor seamlessly. Elevate your home decor with the natural allure and rustic sophistication of this exquisite centerpiece today
SIZE: finished creation measures approximately 9" H and 9" W.
CUSTOMIZATION options available upon request. Please email your inquiry.
For more ideas of Easter arrangements and centerpieces go to Spring and Easter Decor.